Gapyeong & Yangpyeong Travel ~ A sweet escape to celebrate the end of summer

Thanks to Gyeonggi Tourism Organization 경기관광공사 (2015 GG Supporters) for giving me the chance to get 2 days 1 night travel to Gapyeong and Yangpeyong, Gyeonggido. We spend our 1st day for travelling to Petit France [쁘띠프랑스], The Garden of Morning Calm[아침고요수목원], and Marine Boy Waterpark and Resort [마린보이수상레저]. For the 2nd day, we travelled to Edelweiss Swiss Theme Park [에델바이스 스위스 테마파크], Semiwon [세미원] and Dumulmeori [두물머리].

Chae Won (채원)
For the 1st day lunch we went to the famous Korean makgugsu (buckwheat noodles) and dubu (tofu) restaurant called Chae Won. It is located near the Garden of Morning Calm (about 10~15 minutes)

> Address : Gyeonggi-do, Gapyeong-gun, Sangmyeon Haenghyeon-ri 497-4 경기도 가평군 상명 행현리 497-4 > Reservation : 031-858-0104
Song Jeong [송정]
For the 2nd day lunch, we went to a hanjeongsik restaurant (Korean traditional meal) located in Yangpyeong.

> Address: Gyeonggi-do, Yangpyeong-gun, Yangsomyeon Yangsu-ri 955 경기도, 양편군, 양서면양수리 955번지 > Reservation : 031-772-7377